Alfredo Pasta

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Velvety and smooth, this Alfredo sauce has an amazingly creamy texture and a subtle garlic flavor that  perfectly accents its rich consistency.   It is delicious over several types of  pasta  and vegetables.  Just pour it over a steaming pile of noodles for a quick and easy meal that contains plenty of flavor, protein, and healthy fats.

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Also, this rich sauce doesn’t contain any animal products, but the texture is so creamy that  you won’t even miss the cream; it’s completely plant-based and cruelty-free.

Alfredo Sauce
  1. 1 cup cashews, soaked in water overnight
  2. 1 chopped shallot
  3. 1 clove of minced garlic
  4. Italian seasonings to taste
  5. 2 cups unsweetened almond milk or water
  6. squeeze of lemon
  7. 1 tsp. garlic powder
  8. 1/2 tsp. onion powder
  9. 1 tsp. salt
  10. pepper and parsley for garnish
  11. 2 tbs. avocado or olive oil
  1. Soak cashews in water overnight; drain and rinse the next day then pour into a high-speed blender or processor. Sauté shallot with avocado oil on a skillet over low/medium heat until soft; add minced garlic and Italian herbs and sauté around thirty seconds. Add this mix on top of cashews in blender. Add the rest of ingredients except oil and blend on high until it becomes a smooth consistency. Pour into skillet with additional oil and simmer until warm. Pour over noodles and serve.
  1. Adjust liquid and cashew ratio for a thicker/thinner sauce.
Simple Sweets & Treats

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