Hello again! It has been awhile since I last posted, but I’ve been settling into a new country and lifestyle; this also means figuring out new recipes and cooking methods. As the season shifts into autumn and winter, I often make super simple soups — soups that only require one pot and a bunch of chopped veggies and spices. This soothing autumn soup is so simple that it hardly seems worthy of a recipe because it is more of a toss-everything-in-the-pot-and-wait kind of soup. :) Making use of seasonal ingredients is incredibly beneficial for your health, as the harvest foods of the season are perfectly packaged with the right nutrition to keep you warm and healthy during the wet and cold of autumn/winter. For instance, this soup contains beets, greens, garlic, sweet potatoes, whatever beans you choose, and a plethora of spices. Adding warming spices helps to increase circulation, warm the body, and aid immunity during cold and flu season. It’s especially soothing on a sore throat or cough.
Packed with nutrition, beets are the star of this recipe, delivering plenty of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, folate, B6 and Thiamin. They also contain magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese. Their rich red hue is due to naturally high levels of iron, making them a perfect food for those with anemia. An excellent blood builder, they also protect the immune system and cardiovascular system. Besides all the health benefits, beets are tender and sweet when cooked to a soft texture, making them the perfect addition to soups and stews (plus they give your soup a beautiful red color!). If you are not making homemade soups, then you must get started! Try out this soothing autumn soup or mix up the ingredients and make your own version. It’s a simple, satisfying, and hearty soup that is packed with nutrition!
Soothing Autumn Soup

- 3 cups water
- 4 beets, chopped
- 2 sweet potatoes, chopped
- 4 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 can of beans such as white or black beans, drained and rinsed
- 1 tsp. curry powder
- 1 tsp. dried oregano
- 1 tsp. dried cilantro/coriander
- 3 tsp. soup seasoning
- 1 tbsp. maple syrup
- Pinch of salt and pepper
- 3 cups chopped greens
- Fill a pot with three cups of water and bring to a low boil. Add the chopped vegetables, minced garlic, and beans of choice and let cook for around ten to fifteen minutes. Remove from heat. Add the spices, herbs, maple, and greens then let sit covered for about ten minutes. Top with additional salt and pepper and enjoy!